Insafe seat belt guide
Pregnant women should wear seatbelts in a way that the seatbelt does not cross and press the uterus.
INSAFE SEATBELT GUIDE redirects the lap belt away from the belly of pregnant woman to the hips and groin of the expectant mother, therefore, the force with which she can be ejected during an accident is not directly exerted to the belly, which guarantees greater safety for the developing foetus.
Before 3-point type seatbelt was invented, people wore 2-point type seatbelts where the seatbelt pressured people’s stomach. For this reason, people thought that The Road Traffic Law stipulates that pregnant women should be exempt from wearing seatbelts. However, after 3-point type seatbelts are invented, it is a mandatory that pregnant women also wears seatbelts.
To prevent seatbelt from crossing and pressuring pregnant women’s uterus, Insafe Seat Belt Guide was invented.
No pressure on pregnant women’s stomach!
Easy to wear
Before: DANGER! Strong force against pregnant women’s stomach!
After: In Safe breaks the strong energy that pressured the stomach.
※Please read before purchase
This product is only suitable for 3-point type seatbelts.
・ Not suitable for electric power seats
・ Not suitable for seats with heaters
・ Not suitable for ottoman seats.
・ The risk of the unborn child’s injury is reduced
・ The expectant mother can drive a car comfortably
・ Universal – fits most car models
・ Can be installed in the front and rear seats of the car
・ Patented and tested
・ Made from high-quality materials. The adapter was designed and made in South Korea
・ Very quick and easy installation
・ Small, easily fits in a bag
Why is this adapter better than others?
Other adapters hold the belt on the underbelly and hips with uncertain strength of burrs and press studs. The characteristic of the adapter INSAFE, as opposed to many others, is that it enables to lower the seat belt below the belly, redirecting the possible contact force to iliac spines and groin.
The adapter INSAFE is universal – it fits most car models. It can be installed in the front and rear seats of the car. Its installation is quick and easy.
[Insafe seat belt guide]の3つのポイント!
あらゆる事態を想定し、徹底した検証とシミュレーションを経て[Insafe seat belt guide]は設計されています。
50km/hの衝突事故時、搭乗者が受ける衝撃は、なんと約1.5t!固定箇所が多いほど、衝撃は分散されて安全です。[Insafe seat belt guide]を取り付ければ、シートベルトが腹部に接する点がないので、直接お腹に加わる衝撃がほとんど0です。



Insafe seat belt guide has a number of national patents and an international patent within the Patent Cooperation Treaty WIPO | PCT.

INSAFE SEATBELT GUIDE is a high-quality product, designed by Korean engineers. The entire production is carried out in South Korea, famous for modern technology. The adapter’s construction is very strong, because it was made of stainless steel, which is 6.4mm thick and coated with a non-toxic soft material. A project of INSAFE was carried out with the support of the government organization Seoul Business Agency. Each part of the adapter’s belt was designed with in-depth initial verification using computer simulations in order to take different types of traffic collisions into account.

[Insafe seat belt guide] 試験レポート
The quality tests of the materials from which the INSAFE adapter was made were carried out by the FITI Testing & Research Institute in Seoul. The adapter has been subjected to dynamic tests in accordance with the European safety standard ECE R16, in a laboratory belonging to the Korean manufacturer of car safety belts – company Samsong Industries.
- 強度試験
- ベルト部分試験
- ベルト部分試験(結果のみ抜粋)
- ベルト部分重金属類含有量試験(1/2)
- ベルト部分重金属類含有量試験(2/2)
How to use
1. The adapter belt should be inserted into the gap between the seat and the backrest,
Then the belt must be put under the seat forward. When inserting the belt under the seat, make sure that the belt is not twisted,
2. The end of the belt should be passed through the upper and then through the bottom slot of the fastening clamp,
3. After moving the belt through the fastening clamp, we tighten the belt very tightly to the bottom.
[Product] Insafe seat belt guide
[Retail price] 6985YEN
[Material] Main body: Steel, stainless steel, TPU / Belt adjustor: polyamide / Belt: Poyester / Pouch: Polyester
[Product size] W60×D210×H110 mm, Belt length 1430 ㎜ / Weight: 460g
[Package size] W230×D70×H100 mm / Weight: 60g
- 本製品は自動車用三点式シートベルト専用です。三点式シートベルト以外には使用出来ません。
- 以下のシートには取り付け出来ません。(電動パワーシート、ヒーター・オットマンを装備しているシート、座面裏側の配線などが干渉するシート、構造上座面にベルトが巻けないシート)
- 運転席、助手席用に設計されているので後部座席には取り付け出来ません。ただし車種により後部座席の座面にベルトを巻き付けることが出来れば装着が可能です。
- 分解、改造はしないでください。
- アクセルペダル、ブレーキペダルなどの運転操作を妨げ、運転に支障をきたすような取り付け方はしないでください。
- 運転中は本製品を操作しないでください。
- 激しい衝撃を受けた場合は、製品の外観に損傷が無くても再使用はしないでください。
- 本製品を着脱する際や、使用によって車両に生じた使用前との差異(破損、キズ、変色、痕など)については当社ではその責任を負いかねます。
- 本製品は自動車専用です。他の用途には使用しないでください。
- 本製品装着による万一の事故、損害等に対して、当社では一切の責任を負いかねます。
- パッケージのイラスト、写真はイメージです。実際の製品と色等が異なる場合があります。